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IMTM is equipped with cutting-edge research infrastructure, instruments, technology and expertise, required to solve complex problems in translational medicine.

If you are interested in using specific instruments or if you wish to consult us for your research, please contact the IMTM director (; Tel. +420  585 632 082) or the IMTM technology transfer officer (; Tel. +420 585 632 331) for further arrangements.

Instrument Primary area of use Category Reservation
AB SCIEX QTRAP 5500 Tandem mass spectrometer Mass spectrometers, Separation systems Proteomics Reserve
AB SCIEX mass spectrometer TripleTOF ™ 5600 + Mass spectrometers Proteomics Reserve
Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer Separation systems Genomics Reserve
Agilent 4200 TapeStation Genomics Reserve
Agilent Cary 4000 UV-Vis UV-VIS Spectrophotometer Optical spectrometers Biochemistry Molecular biology Pharmacology Chemistry Material science Reserve
Arcturus Veritas ™ Laser Capture Microdissecting System Other Histology Immunohistochemistry Reserve
Automatic biochemical analyzer Other In vivo analysis Reserve
BD FACSAria II Sorpe flow cytometer / sorter Flow cytometry Cellular biology Reserve
BD FACSCalibur flow cytometer Flow cytometry Cellular biology Reserve
BSL2 laboratory Virology Bacteriology Cellular biology Reserve
BSL3 laboratory Virology Bacteriology Cellular biology Reserve
Beckman Coulter VI CELL XR Cell viability analyzer Documentation, Imaging systems, Image analyzers Cellular biology Reserve
Beckman-Coulter CEQ TM 8800 Genetic Analysis System DNA sequencing Genetics Reserve
Bio-Rad 2D proteomic analysis "LARGE" Separation systems Proteomics Reserve
Bio-Rad 2D proteomic analysis set in "MINI" Separation systems Proteomics Reserve
Bio-Rad CFX 96 real-time PCR cycler Genomics Reserve
Bio-Rad ChemiDoc MP Documentation system Documentation, Imaging systems, Image analyzers Proteomics Immunoblotting Reserve
Bio-Rad MicroRotofor Purification System for separation of proteins based on Isoelectric focusing Separation systems Proteomics Reserve
Bio-Rad Model 491 Prep Cell / BioFrac Fraction Collector for preparative separation of proteins and nucleic acids Separation systems Proteomics Genomics Reserve
Bio-Rad Molecular Imager GS-800 Documentation System Documentation, Imaging systems, Image analyzers Proteomics Reserve
Bio-Rad ROTOFORM Purification System for separation of proteins based by Isoelectric focusing Separation systems Proteomics Reserve
Bio-Rad T100 PCR cycler Genomics Reserve
Biological samples irradiator (Cesium-137) Other Reserve
Biospace lab PhotonIMAGER ™ In-vivo imaging system Documentation, Imaging systems, Image analyzers In vivo imaging Reserve
Bruker Daltonics MALDI plate Proteineer FC II Mass spectrometers Proteomics Reserve
Bruker Daltonics Proteineer dp Robotic trypsinization system Automated, High-throughput systems, Mass spectrometers Proteomics Reserve
Bruker ™ ultrafleXtreme MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometer Mass spectrometers Proteomics Reserve
Carestream Albira PET3r/SPECT/CT imaging system Documentation, Imaging systems, Image analyzers Radiology Animal imaging Reserve
Carestream In-Vivo MS FX Pro imaging system Documentation, Imaging systems, Image analyzers Radiology Animal imaging Reserve
ClinProTools Software 2.1 Software Proteomics Reserve
Confocal microscope Carl Zeiss LSM 780 with UV laser and ELYRA.PS1 module Microscopic systems Molecular biology Cellular biology Reserve
Corbett Research Rotor-Gene RG-3000 Real-time PCR cycler Thermocycler Genomics Reserve
Covaris ME220 Ultrasonicator Genomics Reserve
Dionex Bio-inert Quaternary LC system Separation systems Proteomics Reserve
Dionex Nano LC system Separation systems Proteomics Reserve
Dionex Quaternary LC system Separation systems Proteomics Reserve
Dionex UHPLC binary system Separation systems Proteomics Reserve
Dionex UHPLC system and autosampler for GC / MS Separation systems Proteomics Reserve
ESI mass spectrometer - IT Bruker Esquire HCT Ultra PMT Mass spectrometers Proteomics Reserve
Edinburgh Instruments FLS920 Modular fluorescence spectrometer Optical spectrometers Reserve
Eppendorf Concentrator 5301 Other Proteomics Genomics Reserve
Eppendorf Matercycler nexus Genomics Reserve
FlexImaging Software 2.0 Software Proteomics Reserve
Flexible Triple MicroStar robotic system (HighResBiosolutions Ltd.) Reserve
GE Typhoon FLA9000 Laser scanner for biomolecular imaging Documentation, Imaging systems, Image analyzers Life science Reserve
GeneGo software Software Proteomics Genomics Reserve
HM 550 VP Microtome Cryostat Other Immunohistochemistry Reserve
Hematology analyzer - Micros ESV60 VET ABC Plus Other In vivo analysis Reserve
HighRes Biosciences Robotic platform for ultra-high-throughput testing of biological activity of small molecules High-throughput systems Chemical biology Medicinal chemistry Reserve
HighRes Biosolutions Inc. robotic system for storage of chemical libraries and preparation of test panels of these chemicals Automated, High-throughput systems Chemical biology Medicinal chemistry Reserve
Invitrogen Neon® Transfection System Electroporator Cellular biology Reserve
Leco Pegasus ® 4D Orthogonal gas chromatograph (GCxGC) with TOF detector Mass spectrometers Reserve
Li-Cor Odyssey Fc Infrared imaging system Documentation, Imaging systems, Image analyzers Expression analysis Genetics Reserve
Luminex 200 System Analyzer Automated, High-throughput systems Proteomics Genomics Reserve
Metafer - Search metaphase Software Reserve
MiSeq Genetics Reserve
Microplate Sample Processor BioTek Precision XS Automated, High-throughput systems Cellular biology Reserve
Microscopic system for automated FISH analysis on histological sections Microscopic systems Reserve
Nano DSC Differential Scanning Calorimeter Microcalorimetry Biochemistry Molecular biology Chemistry Reserve
NanoScan PET/MRI 3T Mediso Reserve
NovaSeq 6000 Genetics Reserve
Olympus BX51 fluorescence microscope with digital camera Microscopic systems Genetics Cytogenetics DNA RNA Protein analysis Reserve
Olympus BX60 fluorescence microscope with camera sensor Microscopic systems Genetics Cytogenetics DNA RNA Protein analysis Reserve
Olympus IX71 fluorescence microscope with digital camera Microscopic systems Virology Bacteriology Cellular biology Reserve
Olympus IX81 / Veeco Bioscope Catalyst Atomic Force Microscope Microscopic systems Reserve
Olympus LSM microscope Reserve
Olympus ScanR microscope Reserve
Oroboros ® Oxygraph-2k D series Respirometer Other Toxicology Cytology Bioenergetics Reserve
PFM Sliding Microtome Other Histology Immunohistochemistry Reserve
Perkin Elmer Sciclone G3 NGSx iQ Genomics Reserve
PerkinElmer 2480 WIZARD 2 Automatic Gamma Counter Other analyzers Radiology Reserve
PerkinElmer Columbus Conductor 24TB System for image data analysis and management Documentation, Imaging systems, Image analyzers Cellular biology Reserve
PerkinElmer Cyclone Plus Storage Phosphor System multimodal scanner Other analyzers Radiology Reserve
PerkinElmer EnVision HTS Multilabel Plate Reader Documentation, Imaging systems, Image analyzers Proteomics Genomics Reserve
PerkinElmer EnVision HTS Multilabel Plate Reader with AlphaScreen Microplate reader Documentation, Imaging systems, Image analyzers, Robotics Cellular biology Proteomics Genomics Reserve
PerkinElmer Enspire ™ Microwell plate reader Documentation, Imaging systems, Image analyzers Proteomics Genomics Reserve
PerkinElmer MicroBeta Radioactivity and Luminescence Counter Documentation, Imaging systems, Image analyzers, Robotics Cellular biology Proteomics Genomics Reserve
PerkinElmer Operetta imaging system Documentation, Imaging systems, Microscopic systems, Image analyzers, Robotics Cellular biology Reserve
PerkinElmer Tri-Carb 2910TR Liquid scintillator Other analyzers Radiology Reserve
PerkinElmer microplates reader ViewLux uHTS Microplate Imager Documentation, Imaging systems, Image analyzers, Robotics Cellular biology Proteomics Genomics Reserve
Preparative HPLC Separation systems Reserve
Qiagen PyroMark Q96 ID Sequencing and Quantification platform DNA sequencing Reserve
Robotic system for isolation of nucleic acids MagCore Genomics Reserve
Robotic system for isolation of nucleic acids Roche MagnaPure 96 High-throughput systems Genetics Genomics Reserve
Roche BenchMark ULTRA Immunochemical analyzer IHC/ISH staining Immunohistochemistry Cytogenetics Reserve
Roche Cobas 4800 System Automated extraction, Thermocycler Genetics Genomics Reserve
Roche Discovery XT Immunochemical analyzer Other Immunohistochemistry Reserve
Roche GS Junior Sequencing technology DNA sequencing Reserve
Roche Light Cycler 480 II Real-time PCR cycler Thermocycler Genetics Genomics Reserve
Roche LightCycler 1536 system Thermocycler Genomics Reserve
Roche LightCycler 1536 systém Thermocycler Genomics Reserve
Roche LightCycler 480 II Real-time PCR cycler Thermocycler Genetics Expression analysis Reserve
ScanR - Automated inverted fluorescence microscope Olympus IX81 with digital image processing module Microscopic systems Quantitative cytology Microscopy Reserve
Software - Bruker Software Proteomics Reserve
Software - Bruker Compass Software Proteomics Reserve
Software system from Meta MetaSystems Software Reserve
Spinning disk microscope Reserve
TA Instruments Nano ITC Low Volume Isothermal titration calorimeter Microcalorimetry Biochemistry Molecular biology Chemistry Reserve
Tecan Infininte M200 PRO microplate reader Optical spectrometers Toxicology Pharmacology Biochemistry Cellular biology Molecular biology Reserve
Thermo Fisher Scientific LC-MS system for metabolomic studies Mass spectrometers, Separation systems Genetics Genomics Reserve
Thermo Scientific Nicolet iN 10 Infrared Microscope Microscopic systems Reserve
ThermoFisherScientific LC-MS system for proteomic studies Mass spectrometers, Separation systems Proteomics Reserve
Tissue-Tek ® TEC ™ 5 Tissue Embedding Console System Other Histology Immunohistochemistry Reserve
Tissue-Tek ® VIP ™ 5Jr Vacuum Infiltration Processor Other Histology Immunohistochemistry Reserve
Visual Phonics Vevo 2100 Ultrasonic System Documentation, Imaging systems, Image analyzers In vivo imaging Reserve
WITec alpha300 R + Confocal Raman imaging microscope system Microscopic systems, Optical spectrometers Life science Chemistry Pharmaceutical Industry Material science Forensic investigations Polymer science Coatings and thin films Carbon materials Food analysis Geology Reserve
Yokogawa CV7000 Voyager Cell High throughput cellular imaging and discovery system Documentation, Imaging systems, Image analyzers, Microscopic systems, Robotics Cellular biology Reserve
Zeiss AxioObserver D1 - inverted fluorescence microscope Microscopic systems Cellular biology Reserve
Zeiss CellObserver SD for microscopic analysis of living cells Microscopic systems Molecular biology Cellular biology Reserve
Zeiss LSM980 Reserve
Zeiss microscope (LSM780, Elyra PS.1) Reserve