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Koudeláková Vladimíra Ph.D.


Metoda RNAscope pro analýzu exprese HER2 ve vzorcích karcinomů mléčné žlázy s neprokázanou amplifikací. Onkologie. 2015, 9(5), 245-247, ISSN: 1802-4475.
Utilization of self-sampling kits for HPV testing in cervical cancer screening - pilot study. Česká gynekologie. 2015, 80(6), 436-443, ISSN: 1210-7832.
Karcinom cervixu-možnosti detekce lidského papilomaviru. Česká gynekologie. 2013, 78(3), 289-294, ISSN: 1210-7832.

Open positions

Projekt: Pathological conditions associated with human papillomavirus infection
Vedoucí: Koudeláková Vladimíra Ph.D., Hajdúch Marián M.D., Ph.D.
K dispozici: 2
Určeno pro: Doktorské studium
Souhrn: High-risk human papillomavirus infection (HPV infection) is associated with several cancers such as cervical, vaginal, vulvar, head and neck, anal, and penile carcinomas. Nearly all cervical cancers are caused by HPV infection. Despite available vaccination and cervical cancer screening program, cervical cancer is one of the most common types of cancer affecting women worldwide. Main problems of cervical cancer screening are low participation rate and low sensitivity of cytology which is still used in the majority of cervical cancer screening programs. Solution could be the transition to primary HPV screening and the sending of self-sampling devices to cervical cancer screening non-attenders. The best strategy for enrolling Czech women in the screening program will be analysed during this project. Obtained samples will be tested for the presence of HPV DNA and the presence of other molecular biomarkers important in viral clearance and cervical cancer progression/regression. Discoveries will lead to identification of biomarkers for early diagnosis, disease progression or triage strategies. The aim of the project is to clarify the best strategy for enrolling women who do not attend cervical cancer screening program. The second aim is to study genetic and proteomic profile of HPV positive/negative women with normal/abnormal cervical cytology as well as genetic variants of HPV and its importance for regression/progression of the disease. Skills to be taught include biochemistry, molecular biology, bioinformatics and cell culture. This is an ideal project for a student who wishes to pursue higher studies in cancer research. The project will use various techniques including PCR, in situ hybridization, next generation sequencing, mass spectrometry.
Projekt: New prognostic and predictive factors in solid tumors
Vedoucí: Hajdúch Marián M.D., Ph.D., Srovnal Josef M.D., Ph.D., Koudeláková Vladimíra Ph.D.
K dispozici: 3
Určeno pro: Doktorské studium
Projekt: Genetic and epigenetic biomarkers in health and disease
Vedoucí: Slavkovský Rastislav Ph.D., Džubák Petr M.D., Ph.D., Hajdúch Marián M.D., Ph.D., Drábek Jiří Ph.D., Koudeláková Vladimíra Ph.D.
K dispozici: 5
Určeno pro: Doktorské studium
Projekt: Liquid biopsies in experimental and clinical oncology
Vedoucí: Srovnal Josef M.D., Ph.D., Koudeláková Vladimíra Ph.D.
K dispozici: 2
Určeno pro: Doktorské studium