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The Institute of Microbiology of the AS CR, v.v.i., is the largest and most important institution in Czech Republic and in Central Europe that specifically develops basic research in microbiology in the whole complex of areas it comprises. The main research areas comprise physiology and molecular genetics of bacteria and yeats, filamentous fungi, microscopical algae, soil and system microbiology and microbiomics. Among the key research activities are the research on host-pathogen interactions and immunology and vaccinology, including the use of germ-free and gnotobiotic animal models and their use in the research on allergic and autoimmune diseases. In frame of this, research on the aspects of immunity and of pathology, as well as autoimmune diseases and tumor immunology research are developed.

MBU does actively participate in the large infrastructure project EATRIS on translational medicine and provides research services in vaccinology and tumor immunology research to an array of foreign and domestic research teams and pharmaceutical and biotech companies. Among the main provided services is construction and characterization of vaccine antigens and of genetically modified organisms for preparation of vaccines, testing of protective immunogenicity of vaccines in conventional and gnotobiotic animal models (mouse, pigs) and infectious challenge models.

Key persons: Radim Osička, Ph.D.
Platform participation: Vaccines