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Available technologies

Institute of molecular and translational medicine, Palacky University Olomouc
  • Genomics laboratory: qPCR for 1536 samples, Affymetrix microarray, Illumina NGS, Sequenom mass spectrometry)
  • Proteomics and metabolomics laboratories: 2x MALDI-TOF / TOF HPLC-MS / MS qTRAP, QTOF, 2x Orbitrap, GC / GC-TOF
  • Microscopy: AFM, Raman microscopy, IR microscopy, confocal microscopy (spinning disc and laser scanning microscopy, super resolution, PALM, SIM, TIRF)
  • High-througput screening / high-content analysis (HTS / HCA) laboratory: chemical compound archiving and automatic processing; three-arm robotic system to test the biological activity of small molecules in BSL2, BSL3 and / or hypoxic environment; detection systems for radioactive , fluorescence and luminescent radiation; broad spectrum and confocal HCA; mass spectrometry screening (RapidFire plus qTRAP)
  • Laboratory for working under hypoxic conditions
  • BSL3 laboratories
  • Department of imaging methods for small animals: optical (fluorescence, luminescence), X-ray, PET / SPECT / CT, ultrasound and MRI methods
  • Laboratory of radiochemical, medicinal and combinatorial chemistry
  • Biobank with more than 15,000 highly characterized samples (tissue, blood, plasma, bone marrow)


Central european institute of technology, Masaryk Univesity
  • Flow cytometry and microscopy: BD FACS Aria Fusion, BD FACS Verse, BD Accuri, Olympus ScanR, Zeiss PALM
  • Massive parallel sequencing (“Next Generation Sequencing”): Illumina NextSeq, Illumina MiSeq, Oxford Nanopore MinION
  • Devices for automated preparation of samples and NGS libraries: Fluidigm AccessArray, Wafergen SmartChip, Fluidigm C1, MagCore
  • Microarrays: Affymetrix GeneChip, Agilent SureScan
  • Digital PCR and high-throughput qPCR: Biorad QX200, Life Technologies QuantStudio 12k, Wafergen SmartCycler, Roche 480 LightCycler


1st faculty of medicine, Charles University

Complete background for cell culture and protein expression, confocal microscopy, molecular biology equipment, CRISPR technology, real-time PCR with TaqMan® Array Microfluidic Cards (Applied Biosystems), and Agilent analyser of biomolecule (RNA, DNA) integrity.

Available are tools for cultivation of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, including preparation of transfectants, derivation and subsequent propagation of various cell types originating from biopsy material, including primary cultures and cancer stem cells (laminar flow boxes, thermal boxes and incubators with controlled CO2 atmosphere, CellCoulter Z2, equipment for immunomagnetic separation, heated environmental chamber for short-term microscopy observation of cultured cells, small-volume hypoxic incubator, centrifuges, basic inverted microscope, and standard small instruments required for tissue culture).

The laboratories are equipped with spectrofluorimeters for performing fluorimetric analyses in several formats (multiwall plates, cuvettes, etc.), plate as well as cuvette spectrophotometers allowing enzymatic and immunochemical assays such as ELISA. Further, there are tools required for cytochemical and histochemical analyses of biopsy material and cells, including a cryotome. To evaluate and document the results of immunohistochemical analyses, there is a basic epifluorescence and confocal microscope. For routine flow cytometry analyses, the laboratories are equipped with a BD FACS Verse cytometer. In addition, the background and equipment for the portfolio of chromatographic and electrophoretic methods including immunoblot and 2D electrophoresis are available. Since 2018, the Institute of Pathological Physiology of the 1st FM CU has at its disposal the Chemidoc MP laboratory documentation system.

The team has for use the equipment and expertise for stereotactic intracranial implantation of cell suspensions into experimental animals (xenograft model), as well as a transgenic model of mouse glioblastoma and a syngeneic mouse model. The background of the certified animal facility is largely used – with possible use of immunodeficient animals and several relevant mouse knock-out models, allowing verification of the results obtained with the use of in vitro methods in animal models. The Laboratory of Cancer Cell Biology also closely collaborates with the Centre of Advanced Preclinical Imaging Methods (CAPI). This unique department situated in the immediate vicinity of the animal facility has available instruments for imaging methods to be used with the above-mentioned animal models and allows detailed study of cancer biology on these models. One of great advantages is the possibility to combine multiple imaging modalities (e.g., MRI, PET-SPECT-CT, MPI), which is used in the running projects, e.g., for studying the cell distribution of targeted anti-tumour drugs using the PET probes.


Institute of microbiology, AS CR, v.v.i.
  • Infrastructure for preparation of genetically engineered microorganisms and purified recombinant antigens
  • Infrastructure for immunization of laboratory animals and laboratory evaluation of immune responses
  • Cytometric and microscopic technologies for phenotypic characterization by immune response and ultrastructural characterization of pathological changes
  • Infrastructure for analyses of molecular binding interactions - SPR technologies
  • Animal facility with unique germ-free and infectious disease animal models for the study of pathophysiology of pertussis, allergies, psoriasis and tumor processes


Institute of organic chemistry and biochemistry, AS CR, v.v.i.
  • EPR Spectrometers
  • NMR Spectrometers
  • MS, GC-MS and LC-MS
  • GC Systems
  • HPLC Systems
  • Capillary Electrophoresis
  • Microscale Thermophoresis
  • UV-VIS, IR, Raman and CD
  • Microcalorimetry
  • Optical and Optoelectronic Instruments
  • Cytometers
  • Proteine & Peptide Analysis & Synthesis
  • Radioisotopes
  • X-Ray Diffraction


Institute of macromolecular chemistry, AS CR, v.v.i.
  • ALV instrument for static and dynamic light scattering
  • Malvern instrument Zetasizer for dynamic and electrophoretic light scattering
  • Microcal instrument ITC200 for isothermal titration calorimetry
  • Instrument Bruker E500 Elexys pro electron paramagnetic resonance
  • Nanospray dryer Buchi B-90 for preparation of nanoparticles
  • Malvern instrument Mastersizer for small angle static light scattering and particle size distribution
  • Confocal laser microscope with FLIM/FCS module
  • Gel permeation chromatography with radioactivity detector
  • HPLC chromatography with radioactivity detector
  • Scintillation counter MicroBeta
  • Spectrometer for gamma radiation
  • Well ionization chamber
  • Digital 2D autoradiography
  • System for microwave synthesis
  • Vacuum lines for polymer synthesis
  • Technology of radical, ionic and polycondensation polymerizations
  • Equipment for polymer synthesis on application scale


Nuclear physics institute, AS CR, v.v.i.
  • Supply of medical radionuclides (e.g. 64Cu, 89Zr) and tracers
  • Cyclotron targets of our own design
  • automated technologies for the irradiated targets processing
  • Analytical equipment (gamma-ray spectrometers, ionizing chambers, HPLC-MS with radiodetection etc.)
  • Cell culture laboratory
  • Cyclotrons: isochronous U-120M providing beams of four particles (protons, deuterons, 3He and α particles), and compact TR-24 enabling to bombard targets with proton beam of 24 MeV energy and 300 μA beam current
  • Radiochemical laboratories for the irradiated targets processing, radionuclides separation and analysis, labelled compounds preparation, purification and characterization


International center for clinical research, St. Anne’s hospital in Brno
  • NIOBE Stereotaxis Magnetic Navigation System, complete with the Odyssey Cinema System
  • -1.5 T Signa NMR from GE Healthcare, completed with the set-up for anaesthesia
  • Ultrasound systems: VIVID 7 Dimension 4D Breakthrough 2008, VIVID I Breakthrough 2009
  • Cryocath Ablation System
  • Endoscopic and laparoscopic instrumentations
  • ECG TUNNEL and Non Invasive Blood Pressure System (EMKA Technologies)
  • Stellar Telemetry System for Rodents (TSE Systems)
  • Vevo 2100 Imaging System (Visualsonics)
  • Behavioural Set-up: Intellicage System, Phenomaster System, Motorater, Multiconditioning System (TSE Systems)
  • Cryostat (Nikon) and Tissue Processor (Leica TP1020)
  • HPLC with UV
  • MS and CAD detection
  • Microwave Reactor
  • High Pressure Reactor
  • Neuroimaging machines (Biplane angiography system, CT scanner, MRI scanner, Ultrasound machines extracranial and transcranial diagnostcs of arterial disease), X-ray devices with direct digitalizaton
  • NanoAssemblr – preparing the contrast nanopartcles for thrombus and tumour MRI imaging. IT infrastructure for medical databases and research (Cluster consistng of 4 high-performance CPU and GPU computng workstatons -HP Z840, virtualized server farm integrated with the secure hospital IT infrastructure, dedicated PACS app
  • SW StatSof, Inc., 2013. STATISTICA (data analysis sofware system), version 12.
  • SW SAS Insttute Inc., 2011. Base SAS® version 9.4 Procedures Guide. Cary, NC:SAS.
  • SW R Development Core Team (2008).
  • SW REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture)


Institute of experimental medicine, AS CR, v.v.i.
  • Fully equipped laboratories for genomics and proteomics: MiSeq Illumina Sequencer, Microarray Analyzer iScan Illumina, Apogee A-50 Micro Cytometer, QuantStudio ™ 6 Flex Real-Time PCR System, StepOne Plus Real-Time PCR System, Bugbox Plus, Zetasizer Nano ZS.
  • Cell culture laboratories (BSL2)
  • Histological laboratories
  • Patch clamp electrophysiological measurement laboratories
  • Calcium imaging and neurosurgery equipped laboratories (Neurostar stereotactic robot)
  • Wide range of behavioral tests with appropriate analysis (MotoRater, Morris Water Maze, von Frey)
  • Imaging technologies for live and fixed specimens: Zeiss LSM 5 Duo confocal microscope, Olympus FV1200 MPE, two-photon microscope (Ultima IV), electron microscope (Philips Electron Optics), Leica DMI 6000B fluorescence microscope with TissueGnostics image analysis, Lightsheet microscope (LaVision)