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ATMP platform

Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products represent a new category of medicines with a wide therapeutic potential for treating different types of diseases such as cancer, neurode­generative and cardiovascular diseas­es. They include Gene Therapy Medicinal Products, Cell Therapy Medicinal Products, and Tissue Engineered Products. Clinical application of the two latter types is frequently referred to as ‘Regenerative Medicine’. The platform provides the most qualified and state-of-the-art technologies for the critical issues in this development area, such as specialized GMP facilities, imaging facilities for in vivo animal studies, availability of dedicated/tailored animal models, clinical expertise and access to patients for high prevalence and/or rare diseases, as well as to clinical facilities. The platform includes a network of experts for regulatory affairs special­ized in the ATMP field to ensure compliance with the pre­clinical and clinical development guidelines within Europe.


EATRIS-CZ participation


Major technologies/infrastructures
  • GMP production plants, clinical trial units, animal facilities, imaging